Last week I wrote, “I am holding this past year up to the light, the light which is Christ, and asking myself in the presence of Almighty God, what needs to end, what needs to remain and what needs to begin.”
And then I challenged you to join me in holding your life up to the light.
The Light.
Did you?
I did and let me tell you what, I was surprised at what God showed me.
Maybe He showed or is showing you the same thing.
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I pondered the questions I was asking last week, but felt like I was not able to give it the fullness of mind to which the questions deserved, so I booked myself a morning at the Hope House.
For those of you who don’t know, Phillip and I, along with another couple, run a non profit called Hope Ridge. The whole premise is to have a space where people can come and experience the gentleness and mercy of God. We officially launched this past February and while growth has been slow, it is building momentum and the word is getting out. We have been delighted to welcome more and more guests into the Hope House, a quiet place to commune with the Lord.
So this morning I went out to the Hope House. This blog needed to be written, laundry needed to be done, a gift needed to be bought, but I knew I couldn’t wait. I needed the uninterrupted time with God to ask Him what in my life needed to end, what needed to remain and what needed to begin.
What I was wanting was specific, but what I received was more overarching and therefore may be a word for you too. These are the words I sensed from God –
Ending –
Stop comparing your chapter 1 with her chapter 30.
I heard this phrase last week by a person, but God really solidified it this morning for me. Do you struggle with that too?
I want to be successful. I want this blog to reach thousands…or even just a hundred! I want to use my speaking voice to bring glory to God and I want to do it from the stage! But if I’m comparing myself to one who has done this a lot longer than me, then I will only end up deflated and without passion.
We each have a unique purpose and call by God. Our story does not look like their story. Our story is uniquely designed by God and He has us in the exact chapter He wants us in. So stop comparing!
Remaining –
Keep abiding. Keep enjoying. Keep laughing. Keep delighting. Keep persevering. Keep pursuing. Keep surrendering. Keep obeying. Keep loving. Keep dreaming. Keep believing. Keep worshiping. Keep singing. Keep resting.
Just keep going in your journey with me.
Beginning –
No matter what you begin, abide in me always.
As an example, for me, a beginning is actually stepping into speaking ministry. I absolutely love being with a group of women and igniting their hearts for their relationship with Christ. Whether it’s a group of 10 or a group of 300, when I am able to use my voice to proclaim the goodness of Jesus and it leads women to step into their identity in Christ and glorify God in unique and intimate ways, I come alive.
I believe this is what God is calling me to, and yet I can’t see the future clearly. I am walking in trust and faith that where He takes me is where He wants me to go (check out the new speaking page on my website!).
And no matter where it leads, I will abide in Him.
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So again I urge you friend, what is God asking you to end? What is He asking you to continue? And what is He asking you to begin?
Hold your life up to the light and see what God says.
You may be surprised.
Thanks be to Him.
Something else – if this post or Up to the Light was helpful to you, I would love to know and would love to hear why! Please comment, email or DM me!
I would love to come and speak at your next women’s gathering! Check out my website and send me an email! And if you would like to book your own time at the Hope House, please visit the Hope Ridge website!
Just a little peek inside the Hope House –

You bless me with your perspective, insight and life you walk with Jesus. You are a light, you share your life, and your growth. I so appreciate your efforts. You bless me, encourage me and challenge me continually through your writing. Thank you, continue to share what you are learning and growing in with the Lord so you encourage me and the 100 or 1,000’s others!!!!
Thank you Pat! Your encouragement means so much to me! God is GOOD!!!