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Hi, I’m Meredith. If you are new here, welcome! If you are here again after my break, thank you for sticking with me. I’m so glad you are here. 

A few things have changed since I last wrote on the blog. Most notably, I hosted the first ever Dwell Gathering, a conference to ignite and encourage women in their walk with Jesus. It was amazing! If you missed it, don’t worry, there will be another one! 

Less notable to the public eye, but even more notable in my eyes, my children have grown older, Phillip and I have celebrated another year of marriage, and we continue to run the race set before us, holding onto Jesus throughout the ups and downs. 

What hasn’t changed though, is my heart’s desire to encourage, uplift and spur on your relationship with Jesus. 

So here’s some encouragement for today- 

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8 

When have you been in a season on transition? When have you wondered what’s next or perhaps wondered if what you are doing is what you should continue to do? Have you ever thought, “If I don’t do this, I am walking in disobedience”? 

As you all know, I have been one of the teachers for our local Bible Study Fellowship for five years. It has been such a sweet space of learning and growing in my love of God and his word. It was one of those spaces that I thought I would never leave because it was so good. But last fall, I started to feel God prompt me towards stepping out. At first I resisted, because like I said, why would I leave such a sweet space, but down in my bones I knew what God was directing and I knew I couldn’t stay. 

But what next?

As God was calling me out of one thing, I felt the pull towards the next. A women’s conference and launching a ministry.

But how?

Over and over again I came back to God and said, “Are you sure?” And over and over again, God confirmed his directive. 

So with a lot of help from others who I am forever grateful for, I launched MKR Ministries and hosted Dwell Gathering. As I sat looking out at a room full of women from 44 different local churches, my breath caught and my eyes filled with tears. The dream and vision God had given me was not only coming to fruition, but was there before my very eyes. All praise to my Almighty God. 

As I have processed Dwell Gathering, I have found myself again asking, “OK God, what’s next?” I have more dreams and ideas and projects that I am working on but this verse, Psalm 32:8, has deeply spoken to my soul. And perhaps it will to yours as well.

The whole psalm is beautiful. Definitely go read it. It’s a reminder of how insanely blessed we are by God being willing to forgive us of all our sins – past, present, future. It’s a reminder of what sin will do to us if we don’t confess it to Jesus – our bones will waste away and we will groan all day long – not literally, but that is what sin does to your soul. And it’s a reminder for us to not be like a horse or a mule, stubborn and having to be controlled by a bit and bridle. Instead, we are to be moldable and willing to let God lead. 

And in the middle of all of that richness is Psalm 32:8, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

There are three promises of what God will do here. He will instruct us and teach us in the way we should go. Just like I knew that it was time for me to step away from teaching at BSF, God will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. He won’t leave you hanging. He will lead you to the next step you are to take.

And here’s the one that has gotten me over and over again – God will counsel you with His loving eye on you. 

God instructs and God teaches, but God also counsels. While Jesus was still on earth, he told his disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit, the Counselor. The Holy Spirit counsels us. And it is not just a surface level counseling, but a heart, soul level counseling. 

And the best part, he will counsel you and not take his loving eyes off of you. These eyes are not critical eyes that are looking around, waiting for you to screw up. These eyes are loving eyes. And he won’t take them off of you. 

So whatever you are experiencing today, whether it’s a season of transition, a season of questioning or a season of rest and contentment, God will not take his eyes off of you. Eyes that are full of abounding love and grace, and eyes that are full of delight in you. 


Let me know if this was an encouragement for you! I’m on Facebook and Instagram. You can always email me as well! 


  • Avatar ron lawson says:

    AWESOME to see your words of encouragement early this morning, so glad to hear from you.

  • Avatar Lydia says:

    Thank you for this encouraging Word from the Lord, Meredith. I have been in the times of not being sure of what I should do. How good to know our loving Lord is there and guiding us always!

  • Avatar Rick Kane says:

    So glad you took your break but are now writing again.Thanks for sharing God’s encouragement.

  • Avatar Bonnie Graves says:

    I so appreciate your thoughts about a new season in life. I have been a widow for five months now after 52 years of a wonderful marriage to a dedicated Christian. I have been reading Oswald Chamber’s “My Utmost for His Highest” and yesterday dealt with “Receiving Yourself in the Fires of Sorrow.” As Meredith so aptly wrote, God doesn’t leave us hanging but He will lead us. “If you will receive yourself in the fires of sorrow, God will make you nourishment for other people.” (Oswald Chambers, June 25)

  • Avatar Dawn Argenbright says:

    Well done, Meredith!! Thanks for sharing!!

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