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I enjoy a good campfire. 

There is something magical (at least to me) about when you gather around a fire. Especially if you don’t have wifi or you make the decision to not pull out your phone. 

There is nothing to entertain you except the flames flickering and the conversation flowing with the people who are with you. 

You rest.

You talk.

You laugh.

You listen.

You share.

You reflect.

I love it. Some of the best moments happen around the fire. 

A couple of weeks ago, our family had the privilege of going to Pine Cove Family Camp (PSA – If you have not heard of it, go look it up! And before you see the price and say, “No way!” remember that it is completely worth it and that they have scholarships! Praise the Lord for scholarships!). Pine Cove brings together families from all over the country. Our stories are all very different, but we have all come together with the same goal and mindset. 

We want to become more like Christ. 

We want our children to become more like Christ. 

We want our families to become more like Christ. 

And we all want to glorify Him in every aspect of our lives.

Even though we weren’t around a fire, the room the adults sat in together was like sitting around a firepit. It was a magical space, more accurately, it was a supernatural space.


Because our own personal relationships with God were brought together with people, a community of believers. The two different “tents” – our own relationship with Jesus and people – were merged and the space between was a supernatural firepit space.

Growth happened.

Conviction and repentance happened.

Forgiveness happened.

Grace, love and peace was offered and received. 

None of that would have happened if we had not merged our personal relationship with Jesus and the relationship with each other.

It was a supernatural space.

God created us for relationship. He knows that in order for us to thrive, we’ve got to be in relationship with Him and with others who spur on our faith. 

Have you found your people yet? God doesn’t expect us to share our hearts with every single person who comes into our day, but He does want us to have some people around us who sharpen, who encourage, who guide and who comfort each other.

Sharing your “stuff” with others can be scary, but when you do, God will honor that and cause you to grow in Him from it. 

I encourage you today, reach out to a friend, set a coffee date and be willing to share openly with them. And be willing to listen openly to them as they share their story. Don’t settle for surface, go deep. 

And watch what God does in the firepit space. 

“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together…but let us encourage one another.” Hebrews 10:24

God, may we be obedient to you and spur one another on towards love.

Here are just SOME of the amazing adults at Pine Cove that spoke in grace and truth!

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